Thursday, November 21, 2013

Production Well Underway!

Hello Everybody!
It has been far too long since we have last checked in, hope you have missed us as much as we have missed you!
Here is just a little bit of what we have been up to. We have been working closely with a brand new printing agency right here in the heart of San Diego. They have been stellar so far and it is very exciting to be working with a fellow startup that is literally down the street from our two houses. Right now most of our Bear Republic Tees and Borninfornia Logo Tees have been printed! We will be sharing pictures very soon.
We finally have all of our ducks in a row as far as legality in the Golden State, it feels great to be prepared to sell clothing to individuals throughout California, the United States, and around the globe.
And finally, as we prep for shipping soon we have also been working on new designs that you are going to LOVE. As always, any suggestions are welcomed with open arms.
Goodbye for now, keep an eye out for pictures of your rewards coming soon!
-Andrew & Daniel